Friends, Bro.Terry and Cornerstone Inspection Company, is a Messenger of Christ & a Messenger of Love for us. They have been supporting us with their precious prayers and finance, as a result of which we are able to take care of 30 Children’s. We are able to teach these children’s and give them one meals every day. With the help from Cornerstone Inspection, we have provided these underprivileged children’s with, dresses, school bags, notebooks, pen, pencils and other needy items. We are also giving these children’s health facilities, so they have good education, and better health.
With the co-operation of Cornerstone Inspection, we are trying to give them a better future by obeying the commandment of Lord Jesus to love these children’s. In the future with the continuous support of Cornerstone Inspection we hope to take care of 100 Children’s and assist Pastor’s, as well, and increase our work and activities to spread the Love of Christ, in this dark region, of Orissa, India. Friends, we remain ever grateful to Bro. Terry and Cornerstone Inspection, for equipping us to work among these vulnerable children and their families. May God bless them richly in every ways.