Our Mission
Community Outreach

We collectively and consciously labor for a purpose greater than ourselves. It is with a great awareness that our company is a vessel by which our Father will bring hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless through the tithing of our business earnings to the mission field of our local church.

Elementary school kids (India)
India map


To the community of Orrisa, India, we assisted in establishing a framework that will bring the poor and destitute to a position of self sustainment for themselves and for generations to follow. Through Christian values our missionary team lead by Melchisedec Singh, continue to feed, clothe, and educate those who are unable to provide their own basic needs. To God be the Glory.

Honduras map


Honduras Mission support is done through the tithing of our business income and assists our local church’s mission team help the improvised attain essential basic needs.

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    Technicians perform NDT